Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama is getting taught a painful lesson.

I think the Presidential thing for Obama to do is to simply drop this outrageous plan of his.. The worst outcome from this Health Care/insurance/whatever? "reform" debate is going to be Pres. Obama's damaged reputation.......nobody is going to trust his ability to lead because he has stuck his neck so far out there. The Obama Administration is making enemies of people that oppose so-called "reform" . The Administration is carrying out a mean-spirited attack on people that have valid concerns. You can't stoop to name calling and still be perceived as the leader. Now you're just a bully, and if there's one thing all Americans hate......its a Bully.
When a product fails you re-package it, re-define it and re-sale it, or get out of it... Or, get the hint we are not interested in what you are trying to cram down our throat and stipulate there isn't anything you do well which includes creating 32 new czars,

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